Google Interview Questions: Interview by google…Do you need job in google?

Since lot of people do it, i also wanted to do this. misunderstand me
i am not talking about applying for a job at google, but i am going to write a post on it, i will try to add links to other pages from here, which will give an experiance about how it is to get interviewed by google ;).
If you know any other page where they have discussed about it please let me know throw comments. Also if you had any such experiance please let me know.

So here is various links to such pages:

Following link gives an idead about how to not get in google :). I think she did some mistake, yep she was nervous but quesioned asked was not so tough i guess…
My Nightmare Interviews With Google

This gives some typical question you would have heard about googles question:
15 Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid (GOOG)[]

Here is the real and good list of googles interview quesion:
140 Google Interview Questions[]

Here is set of another 15 questions, with answers 🙂
Answers to 15 More Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid[]

One more sad sotry 😦
Google Interview


A though with lot of comments..

Just a thought !!![]

A full story with lot of nice pics.
My Interview With Google

Another failure story but worth reading…
My interview experience with Google

Some thing from The Register
Tales from the Google interview room

Here is expriance of Peteris Krumins’ from his blog. Its really good. If you want to go for software engineer position it may help you.
Peteris Krumins’ Interview at Google

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  1. good i will bookmark

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